CONTENT: ZIP 80469 Phippsburg ,CO |
City Name to Aviod with 80469 |
Details for Zip Code 80469 Phippsburg ,CO |
List of Similar zip code Zip Code 80469 Phippsburg |
Locations Near Phippsburg-80469 |
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You Entered 80469 which belongs to city Phippsburg, Colorado. Other city names recognized for the address in this zip code 80469 are listed in following table if exist .
Away | Name | Goto |
0.07 Miles | PHIPPSBURG USPS 21595 SECOND AVE PHIPPSBURG, CO 80469 -9997 | View |
3.11 Miles | OAK CREEK USPS 129 W MAIN ST OAK CREEK, CO 80467 -9997 | View |
5.99 Miles | YAMPA USPS 261 MOFFAT AVE YAMPA, CO 80483 -9998 | View |
47.22 Miles | Avon/Vail HomeDepot 0295 Yoder Avenue Avon CO 81620 | |
19.71 Miles | Steamboat Springs Store Walmart 1805 Central Park Drive Steamboat Springs CO 80487 | |
39.46 Miles | Craig Supercenter Walmart 2000 W Victory Way Craig CO 81625 | |
45.67 Miles | Avon Supercenter Walmart 171 Yoder Ave Avon CO 81620 |