CONTENT: ZIP 78164 Yorktown ,TX |
City Name to Aviod with 78164 |
Details for Zip Code 78164 Yorktown ,TX |
List of Similar zip code Zip Code 78164 Yorktown |
Locations Near Yorktown-78164 |
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You Entered 78164 which belongs to city Yorktown, Texas. Other city names recognized for the address in this zip code 78164 are listed in following table if exist .
Away | Name | Goto |
0.39 Miles | YORKTOWN USPS 124 W MAIN ST YORKTOWN, TX 78164 -9998 | View |
7.35 Miles | NORDHEIM USPS 301 BROADWAY NORDHEIM, TX 78141 -9998 | View |
9.8 Miles | WEESATCHE USPS 195 W FM 884 WEESATCHE, TX 77993 -9800 | View |
31.35 Miles | Victoria HomeDepot 6708 Ne Zac Lentz Pkwy Victoria TX 77904 | |
18 Miles | Cuero Store Walmart 1202 E Broadway St Cuero TX 77954 | |
23.97 Miles | Kenedy Supercenter Walmart 200 Business Park Blvd Kenedy TX 78119 | |
31.99 Miles | Gonzales Supercenter Walmart 1114 E Sarah Dewitt Dr Gonzales TX 78629 | |
37.04 Miles | Victoria Supercenter Walmart 9002 N Navarro St Victoria TX 77904 | |
37.54 Miles | Floresville Supercenter Walmart 305 10th Street Floresville TX 78114 | |
40.57 Miles | Victoria Supercenter Walmart 4001 Houston Highway Victoria TX 77901 | |
41.36 Miles | Seguin Supercenter Walmart 550 South 123 Bypass Seguin TX 78155 | |
45.83 Miles | Beeville Supercenter Walmart 502 E Fm 351 Beeville TX 78102 | |
46.7 Miles | Hallettsville Store Walmart 1506 N Texana St Hallettsville TX 77964 |