CONTENT: ZIP 16748 Shinglehouse ,PA |
City Name to Aviod with 16748 |
Details for Zip Code 16748 Shinglehouse ,PA |
List of Similar zip code Zip Code 16748 Shinglehouse |
Locations Near Shinglehouse-16748 |
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You Entered 16748 which belongs to city Shinglehouse, Pennsylvania. Other city names recognized for the address in this zip code 16748 are listed in following table if exist .
Away | Name | Goto |
0.18 Miles | SHINGLEHOUSE USPS 214 W ACADEMY ST SHINGLEHOUSE, PA 16748 -9800 | View |
4.35 Miles | LITTLE GENESEE USPS 8258 STATE ROUTE 417 LITTLE GENESEE, NY 14754 -9998 | View |
4.75 Miles | CERES USPS 227 MAIN ST CERES, NY 14721 -9800 | View |
7.19 Miles | BOLIVAR USPS 279 MAIN ST BOLIVAR, NY 14715 -9998 | View |
8.78 Miles | RICHBURG USPS 210 MAIN ST RICHBURG, NY 14774 -9800 | View |
9.39 Miles | PORTVILLE USPS 1 S MAIN ST PORTVILLE, NY 14770 -9998 | View |
17.26 Miles | Olean HomeDepot 1900 Dan Eaton Drive Olean NY 14760 | |
19.23 Miles | Olean Supercenter Walmart 1869 Plaza Dr Olean NY 14760 | |
24.47 Miles | Bradford Supercenter Walmart 50 Foster Brook Blvd Bradford PA 16701 | |
36.05 Miles | Hornell Store Walmart 1000 State Route 36 Hornell NY 14843 | |
44.81 Miles | Saint Marys Supercenter Walmart 1102 Million Dollar Hwy Saint Marys PA 15857 | |
47.38 Miles | Springville Supercenter Walmart 317 S Cascade Dr Springville NY 14141 |